Dr. Jaideep Jadhav
Dr. Jaideep Jadhav specializes in understanding and analysing business needs of clients with extensive ability to customize optimal solutions based on his research and industry experience. His strength has been creating trust through transparency and professional competence. He is at the helm of marketing division and General Insurance Vertical of the Firm. He has more than 5 years of strong experience in the insurance industry in marketing and claims settlement. His expertise in the insurance industry along with his rich experience in the financial services sector has helped in nurturing the company's overall development and has taken our journey in the right direction till date.
Educational Background
- MBA in Essentials from University of Leicester, UK.
- PhD in Comparison of Insurance Plans in India.
- Certified Trainer in Financial Planning & Wealth Management and Global Financial Markets, by BSE Institute Ltd
- Certified Agent by IRDA in Life, Health and General Insurance
- Seven years of experience in Academics.
- Three years Industrial Experience with MSME’s.
- PhD in Comparison of Insurance Plans in India.
- Faculty at various workshops for corporates.
- Conducted numerous workshops on Insurance, financial planning and wealth Management.
- Industry experience of over 5 years in General Insurance. He has experience of handling all type of General Insurance claims.
Ms. Tejashri Jadhav
Tejashri Jadhav specializes in Life and Health Insurance Products. She is spearheading the Operations division and Life and Health Insurance Vertical of the Firm. She has excellent communication skills and is a task master. She ensures the processes are seamless for achieving timely and accurate delivery to our clients.
Educational Background
- MBA in Marketing from Pune University.
- Commerce Graduate.
- Certified Agent by IRDA in Life, Health and General Insurance
Tejashri Jadhav specializes in Life and Health Insurance segment. She has more than 5 years of experience in Marketing of Life and Health Insurance products. She was associated with a Leading Life Insurance Company before staring Advisory.